F L I P B ♥ ♥ K

The Grumpy Cloud

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
-Martin Luther King, Jr.



A flip book is a collection of combined pictures intended to be flipped over to give the illusion of movement and create an animated sequence from a simple small book without machine.

We were tasked to do our own flip book. I chose to do the “Grumpy Cloud” story. It is an animation where an angry cloud dropped heavy rain to a happy little girl, but the cloud didn’t expect the little girl to fight back. The girl poured her powers unto the angry cloud which contains the rainbow colors. The cloud thereafter, was washed away then the little girl became happy again.

Want to see the flipbook I made?

Click here


Quarterly Assessment 😉

For our quarterly assessment, we made an animation of a bird eating bread corns. In order to make this, you have to be familiar on the scene phasing. Each frame should be containing the different sketches or storyboard.

I decided to just draw the bird instead of downloading a clip art to make the work easier.


Roll of Women Saints 😇

St. Philomena

Daughter if Light

Little is known about the life of St. Philomena. However, it is believed she was a Greek princess who became a virgin martyr and died at 13-years-old.

Remains of a young lady were discovered in May 1802 at the Catacombs of Priscilla on the Via Salaria Nova with three tiles reading “Peace be to you, Philomena.”

Feastday: August 11
Patron of infants, babies, and youth
Birth: c. January 10, 291
Death: c. August 10, 304

Liturgical celebration: Pope Gregory XVI

Canonization & Beatification: Pre-congregation

Siblings: Only child

Place of birth: Greece

Parents: Unknown, described as Royal Family

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St. Gemma Galgani

Flower of Lucca and Daughter of Passion

St. Gemma Galgani, also known as the Flower of Lucca, was an Italian mystic often referred to as the “Daughter of Passion,” for her intense replication of the Passion of Christ. She was born on March 12, 1878, in a small Italian town near Lucca

Feastday: April 11
Patron of Students, Pharmacists, against temptations, against the death of parents, against tuberculosis

Parents: Enrico Galgani and Aurelia Galgani

Birth: March 12, 1878

Siblings: Carlo, Giulia, Aurelia and Gino Galgani

Death: April 11, 1903
Beatified By: May 14, 1933 by Pope Pius XI
Canonized By: May 2, 1940 by Pope Pius XII

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St. Therese of Lisieux

The Little Flower

Generations of Catholics have admired this young saint, called her the “Little Flower”, and found in her short life more inspiration for their own lives than in volumes by theologians.

St Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897) was a French Catholic who became a Carmelite nun at an early age. She died in obscurity at the age of 26. However, after her death, her autobiography – Story of a Soul was published and became a best-seller around the world. Her books explained her spiritual path of love and selflessness, and she became one of only three females to be considered a doctor of the Catholic Church.

Name of Saints: Maria Francoise – Therese Martin

Feastday: October 1

Patron of the Missions

Parents: Marie-Azelle Guerin and Louis Martin

Siblings: Helene, Marie, Pauline, Leonie and Celine

Beatification: St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome last April 29, 1923 by Pope Pius XI

Canonization: St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome last May 17, 1925 by Pope Pius XI

Birth: January 2, 173 A.D at Alencon Orne, France

Death: 1897

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St. Agnes of Rome

St. Agnes of Rome was born in 291 AD and raised in a Christian family. Agnes was very beautiful and belonged to a wealthy family. Her hand in marriage was highly sought after, and she had many high ranking men chasing after her. However, Agnes made a promise to God never to stain her purity. Her love for the Lord was great and she hated sin even more than death!

Feastday: January 21
Patron of young girls, chastity, rape survivors, and the Children of Mary

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Place of Birth: Rome, Italy

Canonization & Beatification: Pre-congregation

Birth: 291 A.D
Death: 304 A.D

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St. Lucy

Lucy’s history has been lost and all we really know for certain is that this brave woman who lived in Syracuse lost her life during the persecution of Christians in the early fourth century. Her veneration spread to Rome so that by the sixth century the whole Church recognized her courage in defense of the faith.

Feastday: December 13
Patron of Blindness

Birth date & place: 283 A.D in Syracuse, Sicily

Parents: Father was a Roman origin, mother’s name is Eutychia.

Canonization & Beatification: Pre-congregation

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Thaumatrope 101 ❤

Hades, the God of the Underworld 💀

The Thaumatrope is a Victorian toy constructed from a simple disk or card featuring a different picture on each side and attached to two pieces of string. When the strings are twirled rapidly the card rotates on its axis and the two images appear to combine.
Invented by John Ayrton Paris (1785-1856), an English physician, in 1825, the Thaumatrope was the first instrument to exploit the persistence of images on the retina.



The given task was to create our own thaumatrope as part of our lesson in animation. The thaumatrope gives an illusion of animation or that the drawing really moves.

How to make a thaumatrope? Click here.


Spongebob ◼👖


One morning, on the deep sea center where the town of bikini bottom lies. Spongebob just woke up from a wonderful sleep & end up praising how good the morning was.

He was headed to work at the Krusty Krab Restaurant when his pal Patrick approached Bob and invited him to go jelly-fishing with him.

Spongebob declined Patrick Star’s offer because of the reason that he has work waiting & that he is already late for it. Spongebob with full confidence that he is a valuable worker at the Krusty Krab, he started to walk away from Patrick. He says to Patrick, “talk to you later!.”

Meanwhile, at the Krusty Krab restaurant. Mr. Crab’s has been complaining almost half an hour because Spongebob was not yet to be seen in any corner of the restaurant. He thought that he was wasting time, therefore wasting money!

After 30 minutes from the call time, Spongebob arrived at the restaurant with a wide smile on his face only to find Squidward’s cranky face saying, “Late for work again! Mr. Crabs has been looking for you!.”

*Plot twist: Spongebob did declined Patrick & walked away from him. But after five steps forward, he went back to Patrick & did go jelly-fishing with him.

*PS: Spongebob really loves jelly-fishing & just cannot let his best pal down ❤

Our task was to draw our own storyboard. This was part of our lesson about animation.

To make a storyboard, you need to have:

  • oslo paper
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • coloring materials
  • imagination!!
  • self-confidence that you can do it! HAHA! ❤

How Photoshop Works Like Magic!

Let’s start photoshop-ing! ♥

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life.”

-Sophia Loren


Photo editing is the process of changing an image or changing some part of it. Photo editing is done for many reasons and purposes. It is indeed a good strategy in the betterment of the photography industry. An example of this is the removing of unwanted blemishes and reconstructing body part from photos of models by using Photoshops.

The first photo editing happened in the 1980’s. It was the editing of the photo of President Abraham Lincoln. Computers and other high-technology things were not yet invented so people used ink, paint and airbrushes instead.

In the 1980s, photo editing computer programs for personal computers were made. The first version of Adobe Photoshop was released in 1987. Since then, it has become one of the most popular photo editing programs. It is so popular that many people now use the word “photoshop” to mean photo editing in general.

In 2011 the first photo editing mobile appswere released on App Store. First was Fotolr Photo Editor. Other apps have been made for other mobile operating systems. These apps allow easy editing and photo sharing by smartphone and tablet computer.

Nowadays, online free photo editing Web applications prevail, such as Flickr, Vectr, and FotoJet.

Professional photo editing is still dominated by Adobe Photoshop.

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The following are my works done by using Adobe Photoshop:

A. Instant facial & make over!!!

Before and After copy

This was our first task to do using Adobe Photoshop. The blur tool, smudge tool, dodge tool, spot-healing brush tool, healing-brush tool and the clone stamp tool were introduced to us and were specifically used to edit the the photo.

The task reveals how models have better exposure and looks by using Adobe photoshop to remove blemishes, hiding or removin unwanted body areas and adjusting image lightings, contrast, etc., as well as adding filters & effects.

The spot-healing brush tool was used to remove spots and unwanted objects from the image, specifically the freckles of the girl as observed in the “before” photo. After photo reveals the clearer and flawless result after the editing process.

B. Create your own banner dynamically!

“Editing cannot be taught. Developing your own taste cannot be taught.”

– Ellen Datlow


This was the Sunduan Festival (Parañaque) banner that I’ve made using Adobe Photoshop. It was my favorite activity during PS days because I learned how to make a banner that is a common thing in the commercial industry. I thought that the skills that I’ve learned from here can be very useful in the future. I used the magnetic lasso tool to select an area of the image I’ve chosen to recreate it in free-form shape. It attracts high-contrast edges around the shape; the paint bucket tool for changing the background of the images. It fills in the area that is similar to the color value of the pixels you click; I used the vertical type mask on inserting the text “Sunduan” & the horizontal type mask, text on custom shape to insert “Festival 2k18”. I also used the gradient tool, hand tool, zoom tool and etc.


  • “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” –Andrew Carnegie



This was a collaborative work. We were tasked to draw a Parañaque Sunduan Festival banner using coloring & art materials on a cartolina. Afterwards, we should copy the created artwork in the form of PSD file using Adobe Photoshop. Evidently, the lasso tool, hand tool and type tool were used.


concio copy

The water-reflection task is an example of using complex editing tools and effects using Adobe Photoshop. Some of the process includes changing the canvas size, transforming the image by flipping it vertically, using the move tool to drag the image and copy it, paint bucket tool,adding filters and etc.* The goal of the task was to create a realistic photo of an image with the water reflection at the bottom.

*For the complete tutorial please click here.

Dreams Do Come True

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Wanting something is inevitable. As they say, “When one is satisfied, another crops up to take its place.” Everyone has their own dreams. Usually dreams initially pop up during our childhood and is possibly affected by how our parents raised us, the environment we observed those days and the people we encountered.

During my childhood, I already dreamt of many possibly profession I could be in the future like being a doctor, a fashion designer and of course the common dream jobs of children which is being a cashier, flight attendant and even being a real princess someday.

Eventually, as we grow up, our dream little by little becomes clearer and more sure to us. Like from being a princess to aiming of being a successful architect and engineer someday.

These professions are hard and sometimes it is normal to think that we can’t do it, that we are not qualified nor good enough to be able to reach this dream. There are situations that causes us to overthink like getting low grades in Mathematics. We know that engineers should be really good at math; rather best. Thus, this might cause one to have low self esteem.

However, I want to persuade all of you to never stop dreaming and believing in yourself. Yes, it is hard to reach it but you’re never gonna be a loser if you don’t give up.

If you fall seven times, stand up eight…

Always remember, your dreams will come true. It will..someday. ☻☺☻


“Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.”